Hello from Romania!
Specifically, Brasov, in Transylvania.
We’ve been here in Transylvania for nine days, and we only have a few left before we head back to Budapest and our next destination (all I’ll tell you for now is that it’s north–any guesses??).
This trip has been full of amazing scenery, remote villages, beautiful castles, random stops as one does on a road trip, and most of all, getting away from it all.
In fact, yesterday was the first time I’d opened my computer in over two weeks!
Part of that time was spent at a summer camp with my (now former!) job, which was at a small farm near Budapest for five days. We did have internet, sort of, but I had little energy for computer work. Let’s just say the very first night I was woken up at 3.30 a.m….and so the week went!
The day I got back to Budapest, we finished moving out of our flat and hit the road for Romania–due to visa reasons, we needed to leave that day.
We’ve been on the road ever since, visiting the adorable Sibiu, spending a few days in the mountains for E’s 29th birthday (!!), and are now in the former market town of Brasov.
I have to say that Romania is pretty amazing and in some ways it feels like moving back in time. It’s a country so full of contradictions I can barely process it all–dramatic mountains, spooky castles, dense forests, charming villages–some neatly clean, some in disrepair. It’s full of crumbling Communist apartment buildings in incredible settings, iron crosses and fortified churches, horse-drawn carts and shiny cars, and so much more. I can’t wait to share more with you!
This little blog of mine has been quite neglected lately, and although I miss writing and keeping in touch with my blogger friends, it’s hard to feel too bad about it when it’s life that’s been getting in the way.
I mean, who wants to open a computer when THIS is your view??
p.s. Be sure to follow along on Instagram for more real-time updates!