All of these unfortunate situations have happened to me a dear friend so I have it on good authority this is how NOT to travel. Part 1 can be found here.
1. Do NOT overuse the thumbs-up. It’s not always cute. (Okay, maybe not ever).
2. Same goes for that peace sign.
3. When riding in the back of a truck full of buckets of crabs, due to the nice people in Thailand who love to give you rides, do NOT think that balancing your leg over a bucket will not get you pinched. It will.
4. Don’t bring flip flops, socks…and no other shoes.
5. Do NOT expect the man next to you with a bowl of noodle soup to drink that up quietly. That just isn’t the way of the world.
6. Do NOT assume the meat you are eating is chicken.
7. Do NOT try haggis for the first time before getting on a night bus. You will vomit. (Also, eating chips and candy right after the haggis and directly before the bus might contribute to this, too).
8. Do NOT expect the same hotel you stayed in five years ago to be the same. It probably has an entirely new name and suddenly feels ten miles away from everything that you thought it was so close to.
9. Do NOT expect your room to have a flushing toilet. If there’s a large bucket full of water with a small bucket inside next to the toilet, that is the flushing mechanism. Be prepared.
10. Do NOT think that if you give someone a mean funny nickname in English they will never figure out what you said.
11. Do NOT assume your international phone card will actually work.
12. Do NOT assume the tea your host mother is giving you to help you adjust to the altitude is without mind-altering properties in high volume.
13. Do NOT assume the cute wedges you had to bring will work on the cobblestones.
14. Do NOT assume your rolling suitcase will also work on the cobblestones.
15. Do NOT think the cute little boys running at you with a bucket of water shouting (in Carnivale season) are not going to douse you in water because you’re a foreigner. They will. With glee.
16. Do NOT assume everyone you are with is carefully reading the signs like you are. You may accidentally leave them on the subway when you get off (at the right stop).
17. Do NOT assume everything with “ice cream” in the title will be delicious. There are lots of different kinds of milk out there, my friends. Like yak milk.
18. Do NOT assume you won’t get lost on a tiny island so it’s “okay not to pay attention” to where people are leading you. At some point, you will need to get back on your own, and you will get lost, no matter how tiny, because suddenly everything looks totally familiar and yet unfamiliar at the same time.
19. Do NOT think that Couchsurfing is always a good idea. If you try it in Cambodia, and you sleep on a mat surrounded by dead bugs and shower with a cockroach, you have been warned. Free is not always best!
20. Do NOT try Indian food for the first time in Cambodia.
22. When someone on the street begins to dress you up, laugh loudly, and take pictures, expect them to ask you money for this experience.
23. BEWARE of the beautiful macro-shot of that amazing flower. Things, like bugs, live in those, and are just waiting to come at you.
This is letter H for the A to Z Blogging Challenge. Whew, almost halfway through! Let me know what you think so far 🙂